Wood burning stove
Mikvah Chana
With the help of Hashem and many generous fellow Jews, we now have a bor al gabei bor mikvah hosted right here on the Maui Kosher Farm. The mikvah is officially open for use.
Designed to blend in with the local environment of 100 year old mango trees and ginger flowers the mikvah feels like a jungle spa. Elegant. Natural. Pure.
The waters for the mikvah flow through streams directly from the West Maui Mountains and are heated by a wood burning furnace. Mikvah Chana features a jacuzzi bathtub and shower.
For information or to book an appt contact Chana at 917.803.2835.

Jacuzzi bathtub

Dedicated to the memory of our sister and sister in law Chana Zirkind OBM, Mikvah Chana will act as a merit to her soul and bring much light to the world.
Special thanks to Eitan Sadeh for pushing us to build this mikvah and not taking no for an answer. To Rabbi Trieger of Mikvah USA for your dedicated mashgiach work. To Ramos Thoma for your impeccable work and hours of hard labor. And to Sahar Waiswaser for your expertise in everything plumbing and your sage advice.